Marcel is a creative genius, he has a very unique style and his photos speak for themselves. He has been in the industry for years. His style is a mix of documentary and editorial with a romantic spin.

Photo by Marcel Van Der Horst

Tell us how you started and how long you’ve been in the wedding business?

I have been in business for 15 years, I started by shooting some photos over the shoulder of a wedding photographer at a wedding as a keen photography enthusiast and those photos were spotted by someone I was having a TAFE class with and they asked me to shoot their wedding. It pretty much grew from there shooting friends of friends weddings until it grew into a legitimate business after taking on some professional coaching.

Photo by Marcel Van Der Horst

Does your brand have a specific style?

Stoic, regal, a sprinkle of romanticism and fun with compositional excellence.

Photo by Marcel Van Der Horst

How many people do you have on your team and who should we expect on the day? If there is no one, do you have a backup plan?

I have a crew of 5 others along with a 400 plus strong network of other photographers and videographers in-case something happens

Marcel Van Der Horst and the team

Tell us a bit about your process when booking a wedding from start to finish? What’s included and what’s not?

After the email enquiry comes in, I will arrange to meet via Zoom (we’ve just moved that way since the pandemic) to learn more about the couple and talk about their ideas and vision for the day and how I can best serve them. I then send back a custom proposal to suit their needs and if they approve, I will start to arrange the necessary stuff like contracts and invoicing. I will help with their timeline process through their journey and meet again around a month out from the wedding to work out the finer details. Once the onsite work is complete, I will send a sneak peek of images the next weekday (or in the case of video a week later) and then commence the edit. The final product is delivered in a web based private download gallery.

Photo by Marcel Van Der Horst

What info do you require from a couple to best understand their vision and accurately quote on jobs?

I will ask them in the consultation their love story until now and what they love doing together, ask them to tell me how their wedding day will progress from start to finish and find what is most valuable to them in a coverage sense.

Photo by Marcel Van Der Horst

Is there anywhere that couples can see your work?

I have instagram, but I always try to direct traffic to my website as that gives a sense of what I have to offer.

Tell us a bit about your fee structure?

  • Do you offer packages?

I offer packages for elopement style weddings, all day coverage and a photo/video combination. In most cases I will end up drawing up a custom proposal as everyones needs a different. I don’t want to railroad potential clients into what they think they need, I’d rather work with them.

  • Can you work within peoples budget’s?

If the wedding and the couple aligns with my style and feel, I will look at what is most valuable to them and maybe look to increase the level of inclusions as my pricing level is transparent in my branding, level of skill and the pricing is on the website. In some cases I will look at a shorter coverage to fit their situation.

  • Do you only have a set fee every time?

I have a pricing guide I somewhat adhere to, but client’s needs often vary, especially when it comes to regional weddings or interstate/international.

Do you work on location and do your prices include travel fees?

My business only works if I am there and travel fees are assessed on a case by case depending on how many staff needed as well. For example a full crew of four for photo and video will need more transport and accommodation fees covered if more than a couple of hours away than versus one person.

Photo by Marcel Van Der Horst

What does your calendar look like this year and how far in advance are you booked?

Many key dates are gone in the coming 12 months, but there is still plenty of space for weekday weddings and in the ‘off season.’ I have bookings as far as the third quarter of 2024 with enquiries starting to roll in for late 2024.

Please list up to 5 vendors you love working with?

Sam Lavery Celebrant

Bramleigh Warrandyte

Mark and Sandi at Projekt 3488

Tracey O’Connor Celebrant

How many weddings have you done over the years?

I am approaching 700 this year.

Photo by Marcel Van Der Horst

What can couples expect from you?

I have a FAQ on my website and everything couples need to know is there:

Got any hot tips for couples when booking a business like yours?

Due diligence is the biggest piece of advice I can offer. There are so many dodgy operators or ones that offer really poor service, it is up to the couple to research who they are handing thousands of dollars to, by checking social proof such as Google reviews, social media activity (usually where complaints show up first) and recommendations from other suppliers. Check to see who is behind the business and if you have a point of contact. By booking a business with no face or name to it is fraught with danger as they can vanish with your money and it happens all too often. The ABN register is good place to check legitimacy.

Photo by Marcel Van Der Horst

What’s was the coolest, craziest or your most memorable wedding to work on?

So many to chose from, but a short and sweet answer to this was a 40+ year old global couple from Norway that planned their wedding in 5 weeks (2weeks of that in Covid Isolation), home made flowers from the garden (minutes before the day kicked off) and two first dances because they were ballroom enthusiasts. They most connected wedding I’ve photographed, no wedding party, no flashiness, no styling, just love. This has grown to a string of weddings that fit this persona which I love.

Tell us a bit about the face behind the brand. What do you get up to on a day off and where would we find you?

I am a bit of a work-a-holic, but I try to get outdoors and take in Victoria’s amazing culture with my partner Rachael who is also in the wedding industry and spend time with our doggo. I often turn my hobbies into careers, but currently I am a scotch and wine enthusiast. Not in that order. I am a wicked cook too.

Photo by Marcel Van Der Horst

Where do you find your flair and inspiration for the business?

I draw a lot of inspiration from the renaissance period, namely the Dutch Master painters. I also watch movies paying more attention to lighting and composition than the story.

What do you love most about your job and working in the wedding industry?

I always say ‘it is like shooting a party’ just being a part of such an important day is an honour and I take satisfaction of delivering a service and product to the highest standard.

Finally, Tell us why you’re awesome? What sets your business apart from the rest.

I take pride in being very transparent on how I work, informing the client of every process that is relevant to them so they feel at ease they have made a good decision. My extensive experience doing this is truly evident on the day as I adapt to any lighting situation with ease and make the couple feel comfortable and make sure they have a great time. I shoot for them, not to please Instagram and in my own way by not following trends.

Photo by Marcel Van Der Horst