Standing in front of your closest friends and family, pouring your heart out to the one you love. This part of a wedding might be totally awesome for some… but likely to be totally awks for others. Here are a few I “do’s and don’ts” when it comes to your vows.
There’s legal wedding vows to include, but after those words are spoken you can choose to say anything. Some people choose to just leave it at the legalities but if you want to personalise them then we suggest you plan ahead.
Put pen to paper and jot things down as you think of them. Make dot points on the attributes you love about your partner, and then weave them in the vows you will make to them. By jotting down a few ideas here and there your vows will all start to come together organically. No one wants to get stuck googling vows for hours.
There’s no better day than a wedding day if you’re the sentimental type. Simply say all those beautiful things that are in your heart loud and proud.
Funny vows are also great, your friends know your personality the best and if you are true to your character you will come up with something unique to you.

Some couples like to surprise each other with their vows while others want don’t want any curve balls. Decide what you feel most comfortable with and roll with that.
If you want to memorise your vows, bravo! But, get your celebrant ready just in case stage fright kicks and you need to be prompted. Write them into the ceremony so there is a master copy.
Happy writing lovers xo